PickVibe is a creative-commercial-social network with a single goal - to create a trusted and healthy ecosystem for quality cultural content: the end-user gets information about products/services based on his/her individual preferences and liking.
PickVibe platform aims to revolutionise and transform Social Networking and Culture content landscape adopting new technologies and digital trends:
Human-centric approach to Social media and personal data privacy. Semantic WEB boosted cultural content and services
Blockchain empowered socio-economic model: professional, economic and social points - to reward content creators and promote the consumption of quality content.
Everyone is Connected! Vibe, comment, discuss and share - trusted and sincere content reviews and contribution-based rewards: professional influence, social status and monetization.
Pickvibe is primarily dedicated for the social purposes. 50-65% of content creators are socially excluded, partially due to the independence issues. The problem may be leveraged by cooperation, decentralized management and socioeconomic model. The model is balanced by the public rating, voting and comments, both industry professionals and common. The unique self-management of the network is based on social points weighted by the level of professionalism that platform user brings to the ecosystem. Professionalism that everyone is equal to achieve and maintain because everyone starts from the same starting point and grows his status over the time by contributing to the society.
SUPER HOW? team is project partner responsible for Blockchain and AI related scientific research.

Project is funded from the European Union Structural Funds 2014–2020 priority axis No. 1 "Strengthening research and development and innovation" initiative "Experiment" for funding No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856. Assigned project number - 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0182.
Project budget 1 554 993,50 EUR with 1 173 256,60 EUR funded by European Regional Development Fund.
Duration of the project - 24 months